2019 screenprint with ink and silver dust on Somerset Satin 300gsm 179 x 275mm unframed edition of 8
2019 screenprint with ink and silver dust on Somerset Satin 300gsm 179 x 275mm unframed edition of 8
2019 screenprint with ink and silver dust on Somerset Satin 300gsm 179 x 275mm unframed edition of 8
2019 screenprint with ink and silver dust on Somerset Satin 300gsm 179 x 275mm unframed edition of 8
2019 screenprint with ink and silver dust on Somerset Satin 300gsm 179 x 275mm unframed edition of 8
Knock Knock
Screenprint and embossment
Knock Knock is a series conceived as retrospective visual ripostes to “just jokes”, reflecting on the origins and effects of this type of humour. Monochromatic, structural and static, the works are imbued with the struggle to articulate adequate responses. In these works flatness is given form by superimposing silhouettes of unrecognisable body parts onto three-dimensional cubes. This mirrors a translation from media to lived experience with the underlying question moving from one of intention to one of contagion - how and when does something become aware that is has unwittingly become something else?
The source images for these works depict Helen Clark – former front-runner to be the next Head of the United Nations (2016), Head of the United Nations Development Program (2009-2017), Prime Minister of New Zealand (1999-2008), and person with hair; EF and LB – artists with common body parts; Priscilla Finkenauer – home-baker (1966-ongoing) juicing a lemon to bake a Lemon Yoghurt Cake; Nicola Sturgeon – First Minister of Scotland (2014-ongoing), leader of the Scottish National Party (2014-ongoing), and person with legs (as observed in the 2017 Daily Mail article, “Never mind Brexit, who won Legs-it”); and Eva Hesse’s Accession II – a lidless box made of aluminium mesh perforated by 29,000 holes and penetrated into its interior by thousands of tubes.